Furlough extended until March 2021

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is being extended until 31st March 2021. This is what we know so far before the full guidance is published on 10th November: The scheme rules are predominantly the same with a few revisions. Employees will receive 80% of their usual salary for any unworked hours for claims running […]
COVID-19: Chancellor announces ‘Winter Measures’ support package

Rishi Sunak has today announced his ‘Winter Measures’ support package to help businesses, employees and individuals through the ongoing troubles of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Chancellor announced a package of measures that includes a new Jobs Support Scheme, extending the Self Employment Income Support Scheme and 15% VAT cut for the hospitality and tourism […]
Chancellor Announces Plans to Boost the Economy in the Wake of Covid-19

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has announced a wide-ranging package of measures to try to boost the shrinking economy and save jobs in his Summer Statement on 8 July. Specific measures announced include: Job Retention Bonus There was no extension to the furlough scheme which is winding down over the next few months and ending on […]
How your Covid-19 claims could affect your R&D tax credits

We are expecting HMRC to challenge future claims for Research and Development tax credits on the basis of claims made under the various Covid-19 support schemes. This is because subsidies and grants will affect eligibility for R&D tax credit claims. RDP has reviewed the main COVID-19 government assistance programmes and commented on this below. The […]
Capital Gains Tax: Reporting and payment periods shortened

Important changes to the deadlines for filing and paying CGT on the disposal of UK property Few property transactions are proceeding at the moment but anyone selling UK residential property needs to be aware that CGT due should now be reported and paid within 30 days of completion. The new obligation applies to UK residential […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Interruption Loan Scheme Guidance

Further to our Government Support guide the British Business Bank have now issued their guidance as to eligibility criteria for businesses wishing to access the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) as follows: The British Business Bank qualifying criteria for the loan scheme mean businesses must: • Be UK based, with turnover of no more […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Planning for business recovery

With COVID-19 developing uncertainties and businesses concerned about the current and future impact of the behaviour changes across the UK, businesses of all sizes need to consider the potential impact on their activities and finances and plan accordingly. On Thursday 17th, Rishi Sunak as Chancellor announced a package of support for businesses ranging from supporting […]
Entrepreneurs relief changes expected in Spring budget

As widely published there are expected to be changes to the well known capital gains tax relief known as entrepreneurs relief. Designed to incentive the entrepreneurial spirit by allowing a 10% tax on gains accumulated on the sale of qualifying shares and activities the incentive has become synonymous with those with a higher net worth. […]
R&D tax credits: Claims to be limited from April 2020

Why HMRC elected to bring back PAYE/NIC cap for R&D tax credits and what does this mean for your claim? As things stand, R&D tax credits are available to loss making companies with relevant qualifying expenditure at a rate of 14.5%. This means that small and medium sized businesses making a taxable loss are currently […]
Tax Planning: Annual Investment Allowance set to reduce

The annual investment allowance (AIA) is a capital allowance which allows a 100% tax deduction for qualifying expenditure (most expenditure which qualifies for capital allowances) incurred in an accounting period. This relief is normally capped at £200,000 per annum but was temporarily increased to £1,000,000 for each of the two years ended 31 December 2020, […]