EV Charge point installation
Electric cars are becoming ever more popular, in particular for business owners due to the huge tax breaks available for electric company cars. But did you know about the grants and tax advantages available for installing EV chargers? The Workplace Charge Scheme (WCS) The UK Government has set strict targets and timeframes in which to […]
NRB tax goes further
Death, Taxes, and a great service at NRB, are just the three things certain in life. We jest, of course, taxes aren’t always certain. Especially when you are waiting for an Uber… When people hear the word tax, they immediately think of this as an expense. Which, in theory it is. Yet at NRB, when […]
100 Days Until the Self-Assessment Submission Deadline
There are just 100 days until the deadline to file your Self-Assessment Tax Return into HM Revenue & Customs. If we haven’t prepared your Return yet or you haven’t yet submitted your information to us, you should have received our reminder via email last week. Our tax department are here to help – please don’t […]
Annual Investment Allowance threshold made permanent
The annual investment allowance (AIA) threshold has for some time been set at £200,00, with a temporary increase in the threshold announced annually to support businesses for usually the next 12 months. However, last month, the Chancellor announced that the increase to £1 million will be retained on a permanent basis, which allows businesses to […]